Monday 5 September 2011


Need to buy the bull's service to the Rancher's cows, but must borrow money from the Bank. Bankers who lend the money comes at a later date to see how the stake goes on a weekly basis. The farmer to the argues that the bull market, while at the same time, and does not eat grass to even see the cows. The dealer will propose that the veterinarian is to take a look at the Bull.

Next week to see if the dealer returns in the vocational education and training, helped. The farmer looks very satisfied:

"Bull serviced all my cows, broke through the fence twice, and maintained in all the neighbouring is a cows three times."

"Wow," says the bankers "Which made the Bull in the vocational education and training?"

"Only gave him some pills," replied the farmer.

"What kind of pills?" asked the dealer.

"I do not know," says the farmer, "but they sort of taste like chocolate."

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