Sunday 4 March 2012

Murphy's laws and the actual

Posted on daily joke | June 21, 2011 | There are no comments

1. everyone has a photographic memory. Some of the film does not exist.

2. He who sees the last, i.e., the slowest.

3. to date, without Sun is like, well, that night.

4. changes are inevitable, with the exception of those from automatic vending machines-to your computer.

5. back up your hard disks? How to publish it in reverse?

6. I just got lost in thought. It was well-known in the area.

7. when the chips down, the Buffalo is empty.

8. Saw it all, done it all. For the most part, it will not be able to remember.

9. those who live by the sword to get a shot of them, who do not.

10. I feel like I am the diagonally parked in parallel universe.

11. He is not dead. He has challenged electroencephalographically.

12. He is always late. In fact, his ancestors arrived in "juneflower."

13. the customer has the right to remain silent. Anything you can say, and used against you misquoted.

14. I wonder how much deeper into the ocean, would be without sponges.

15. If you love peace and quiet honk.

16. Red prisoners, my driving, I'm reloading.

17. in spite of the cost of living, you've noticed how the remains so popular?

18. There is not a sufficiently talented fool become comfortable.

19. it is difficult to understand how the cemetery burial expenses and higher cost of living ... blame on

20 but remember, if it had not, in the light of the seriousness of the we all deserved.

21. a 50-50-90 rule: at any time when you have a 50-50 chance to get something right, has a probability of 90% you get wrong.

22. it should be noted that you can align all the cars in the world of the end, if someone would be stupid enough to try and pass it.

23. do you have any. Where would you put it?

24. a Recent study shows that 3 of 4 people make up 75 percent of the world's population.

25. where the NET can hold, as well as the other., obtained

26. in the Cases that come to them, which is expected to be those that were not first things.

27. to give a man a fish and he will eat one day. Teach a man to fish and he is sitting in front of the boat, all the days of consumption.

28. for the purpose of the Document: the flashlight holding dead batteries.

29. the Shin bone is a device used to searching for the furniture.

30. in this case, the fine on the VAT incorrectly. The tax is a very fine.

31. it last was found to cause cancer in rats research,.

32. Everybody is located, but it does not matter, because nobody listens.

33. I wish all stopped here, such as Peter buck, could use a few.

34. I started empty and still is the biggest part of it.

35. when the Court of first instance itself, you grant to go, 12 to a person who is not clever enough to get in the hands of the force majeure.

36. in the Light travels faster than sound. For this reason, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

View the original article here

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