Saturday 17 March 2012

Letter from the gods

After having been ordered by God to take the explanation of how the man was doing in the world, the St. Peter stood ready to present his findings to his boss.

"Tell me, St. Peter, what have you found? God asked.

"I am very sorry to have to tell, but behave as sinful. Drugs, alcohol, murders, and SODOM Gomorrah – on a regular basis. But worse is this new requirement, the authority of the oral sex. In my country according to the study, 88% of the population, makes it four out of five dentists. even the doctors have recommended it I am afraid, it has reached the proportions of the epidermic.

"Hmmm," God said thoughtfully, "you have, what must be done to put an end to the recommendations of the sexual perversion?"

"I think we can send the message to all the Earth, which are engaged in oral sex. St. Peter responded to the message content should tell exactly what will happen to them, in the judgement, which, if they stop this type of ".

"That is an effective solution," God, "but I think that instead of punishing those who practice oral sex, we should reward those who refrain from it. Is expected to send a letter to me, personally, that is, each signed by such persons and bearing the consequences thereof.

And thus they did. Do you know what the letter said?

(scroll down)
So the letters received, either?

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