Saturday 29 October 2011

Three Mice

Three mice are sitting in the late evening, trying to impress each other about how tough they are quite rough neighborhood bars.

The first mouse pounds a scotch, slams bar on top of the glass, remove the second mouse and says, "when I see the mousetrap, I lie on my back and set it on my foot. When the bar appears, I catch it in my teeth, bench press, up to 20 times its appetite and then with cheese. "

Second, the orders of up to two shots of sour mash, and on top of each glass bar, slams, delete the first mouse and replies, Sterling, "Yeah, when I see the rat poison, can I collect so much as it home may take, grind it to powder and add it to my coffee in the morning, so I can get good buzz going until the end of the day."

The first, second and third, then go to the mouse.

Third, use the mouse to a long sigh out and says the first of the two "not this time. You've got a date with the cat. "

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