Tuesday 11 October 2011


A woman is a dog who snores in his sleep. He goes to see if he can help the veterinarian. The veterinarian will tell you, you can bind a ribbon around the dog testicles woman and he stops snoring.

A few hours after going to sleep, the dog is snoring in the usual manner. He moves to the accommodation unit and grabs a piece of Ribbon, binds the testicles, and sure enough the dog snoring dog stops. A woman is surprised.

Later that night, her husband comes home, compared to stay drunk, when his friend with them. He comes in bed asleep and climbs, belongs to the very loud snoring begins.

A woman thinks might be on the Ribbon, in the works for him. He moves to the accommodation unit again, grabs a piece of Ribbon and binds her husband around the testicles. Amazingly, it also works to him. The woman is sleeping very soundly.

Wake up the next morning my husband very hung over. He stumbles into the bathroom of his business, and as he is on the front of the TOILET, he looks in the mirror and sees blue ribbon attached to his scrotum. He is very confusing. He walks back to the bedroom and sees red tape attached to his dog scrotum.

He will examine the dog and says, "Rex old fella, I do not remember, what the hell happened last night, but always when we were, we took first and second place.

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