Sunday 27 November 2011

Verbal abuse, disguised as a joke

Here, the joke is a form of abuse verbal abuse. Such abuse is done in jest. It cuts the areas most sensitive touches, fast, and leaves the abuser Triumph look. Misuse ever seems fun, because it is not fun.

Example 1:

Jack: "Gee, Jill to get fatter every day, ha ha ha!"

Jill: "do you think was fun."

Jack: "you just can't take a joke!"

Example 2:

Jack: "The Boy! You can watch some stupid movies. "

Jill: "I don't like it when you refer to I consider as the stupid movies."

Jack: "only you try to start an argument."

Just because you have a match, wrath does not believe that "the fact that you are wrong." Wondering if there is something wrong in my sense of humor, time is not a waste. There is nothing wrong in my sense of humor, or you can. Verbal abuse, the effects of the brainwashing may not be over-emphasized.

The following are the comments at the hearing, which is described as a joke: the abuser

-You will need the officer!

-Boy! Clear are the easy way to the future!

-What other measures can expect a woman?

-You cannot find your head, if you had not been attached.

Abuser may also pelästytetä of his partner, startle, or, after which he will laugh as though it were a joke.

To respond to the abuse of this form, it is useful to know that he has already implemented for you because he thinks that doing so puts him up, so to speak.

Do not try to explain to him what a funny joke about did not. Do not try to explain his jokes, which you can find a variety of humorous. Do not try to explain his you can't find the humorous and wants to say to you in a variety of jokes. Don't ask him what he meant, or why, he said. Do not spend time wondering if he understands how it sounded, even in the event that he is acting like it sounded funny to him. Do not spend time Wondering, why not laugh with wit, or the lack of with wit.

At any time, or denigrated, disparged ridiculed or just don't like what you hear, please try responding vigorously and "now, as I have said that (to me) (interrupted me) (laughed at me), do you feel is more important to you?"

Then, release the brake. Are, so he think about it. Please do not engage in the conversation. You may be able to say "I do not want to talk about it.". "or" can I get back to you later "if he continues to challenge you.

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