Monday 22 November 2010

Five Church Accounting Jokes

Over the years accountants have been stereotyped as being boring, balding, and out-of-shape. Try visualizing an accountant in your head and you will most likely visualize someone like Kevin Malone from the T.V. Show "The Office."

Below are some jokes about church accountants. These accounting jokes can be used for any accounting industry, but since the author of this article is in the church accounting software industry, the jokes will be related to church accountants.

Question: What is the difference between a church accountant and a lawyer? Answer: The accountant recognizes that he is boring.

You may remember times when you were giving presentations on technical accounting issues and you were bored even though you were the one talking. Think about how the unfortunate listeners felt.

Question: How was copper wire invented? Answer: Two church accountants were arguing over the widow's mite.

Question: What's an example of an extroverted accountant? Answer: One who looks at your shoes while she is talking to you, in contrast to looking at her own shoes.

Again, church accounting staff must laugh at how they have been stereotyped over the years.

Question: Why did the church auditor cross the road? Answer: Because he looked in the file and that is what he did last year.

If you have ever had to audit anyone, you'll appreciate this joke. Most of your work consists of trying to figure out what happened during the audit last year, and then applying it to this year.

The next joke is appropriate for the tax season.

A church accountant is talking with a friend on his deathbed. Just before the church accountant dies, he tells his friend to send his body to the IRS with the attached envelope. The friend out of curiosity reads the letter. The letter says, "There, now you have everything."

Hope you enjoyed some of the jokes. It is healthy to laugh at some of the quirks of one's profession.

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