Friday 3 February 2012

One of the Parachute

On a plane, which is about to crash, with three passengers: land, wisest man, student and politician.

When they find out that the level is go down, and between the three of them have only one parachute they debate that sacrifice his life in the country, and who go to safety.

Politician says he is responsible for running the country, so of course he should be the one to go to.

Of wise men on the man says, he is now serve mankind, so he should be the same as the punaturkki.

The student says he is in the future, and he should be the recipient of the parachute.

Speaks of a child, the wise man grabs out of the bag and remote region of wildly away.

Politician is astounded, but the student remains calm.

"Why are you so calm? We are both about to die! "exclaims politician.

Student answers, "soon the wisdom of the just leapt with my school bag, the future can hang with the politics and feel safe."

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