Wednesday 20 April 2011

You may not be joking!

I don't know about you, but I get much of a joke my emails arrive in the goods. One guy in particular now that hardly a day without something to go by.

Sometimes they are half-splittingly hilarious, and at other times, they will not only make the grade-I suppose there is a question of taste.

In any case, had set up a cleaning agent to dissolve contaminants, or Outlook Express, you will be able to make the hard disk space, more recently, the personal folders (now a whopping 20 Gb and already I get a little space-be these Mp3s...)

Anyways, I knew I was in the "Vitsejä'" folder, in the light of the large amount of memory (it is full of pictures, video files, and so on), so I decided to cull was needed.

I went down in the list, I had no problem in removing the turkeys, but it broke my heart to delete jokes that could make me laugh for the second time around.

And then it hit me. Why not make a perfect Funniest Stuff ebook? In this way, I removed the hard disk and compress them all neatly packaged in one ebook-file. And thus, the "101 jokes via email to your friends-" the idea was born.

It was never my intention to sell this ebook. However, it was never my confidence either that it might turn out to be a resounding success.

Sure, I knew that it would be popular with visitors. When all joke collection is always a popular idea, and it's free, well Hey, the better.

However, the point is, I never fully understood just how much of the other fun little book can create. You will receive at least 100 extra visitors EVERY DAY, thanks to the book, which only I put together to save disk space.

Not bad enjoyable "work" for two hours.

What is the moral of the story?

Very is the three of them:

MORAL # 1: Free e-books is the best way to promote the company on the Internet.

MORAL # 2: People like jokes! Humor is always in demand, and Yes, many people are willing to pay for it.

But here is a tip, if you plan to sell the joke--e-books do not follow the General "101 jokes" ebook. It sold some copies, but not enough. A much better approach is to apply to the user group.

Instead of the "101 Dance Jokes to e-mail Your Friends, why not" 101 hilarious jokes, I think, for the mothers waiting "," 101 hilarious jokes to lawyers with the conscience "or" 101 hilarious jokes Dairy farmers. "

Okay, I admit that the second title is not much in the market, but imagine the other:) to the novelty of the idea of the value of the gift.

Okay the joke books will take you to a specialist for more than a joke books in General, but you have to think of the fun along the way.

When you set up the translation in the target market for the appropriate collection of jokes, all you have to do is to ensure that the objective of their own promotion, the right people, and, Hey presto, you have the money!

MORAL # 3: The number of the infinite is selling e-books and ideas and the future of these ideas is much easier than you might think you can. And when you know how to pluck out of thin air, cool ideas, ebook publishing, with a view to contributing to the success is a simple matter of e-books to the right target market.

Have fun!

About the author

Michael Hopkins owns the Ebook times newsletter and blog.

Now, get tips, tools, resources and free eBook business http://www.ebooktimes.comdownload:

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