Monday 18 April 2011

This British Explorer

This British explorer is in the dark jungle, going where no Western man has gone before. Accompanying him is his trusted guide, interpreter, cook, and troubleshooter in one.

One day early in the morning, they arrive at a lake and find a handsome dark young man taking a morning swim. When he got to shore and stood up the explorer couldn’t help but notice the size of his penis. The young man had the longest, thickest penis he had ever seen, or even imagined. He was simply awed. He asked his guide who this man was.

“He is the prince of the tribe that lives on the other side of the lake, Sir,” came the reply. “This is his morning ritual.”

“Ask him,” the awed Brit said to his companion, “how did his penis get to be this size?”

The guide goes to the lake and talks to the man, who seems to get very agitated by the conversation.

“Well, what did he say?” asked our hero to his assistant on his return.

“He said, ‘Doesn’t the white man’s shrink in cold water?’”

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