Wednesday 13 October 2010

The Internet's favorite webcomic, xkcd, has a pretty amazing graphic up today called the Ultimate Map of Internet Hangouts. It's a reworking of a world map, but instead of countries, there are websites.

The size of these faux country website regions represents the amount of activity surrounds a website and is based on lots of research conducted over the last year. Also, it's really funny! Check it out now, dummy!

Photo courtesy of xkcd

If these two videos of a kitten falling asleep in a tea cup are not the cutest thing you see all day, well... you must live inside a pink cloud made out of candy or something. Naw, even that's not cuter than this little cutie.

Photo courtesy of Buzz Feed

Meet Jacob Isom, a 23-year-old skateboarder from Amarillo, Texas. Notable facts about Jacob -- he has a rat tail. One of his life's ambitions is to appear in High Times magazine. And he's a hero.

Yes, this seemingly burned out 20-something dude is a hero -- because he stopped anti-Muslim protesters from burning a copy of the Quran. And then he appeared in a news report about it and was hilarious. Jacob's words to the anti-muslim protester after he took away his copy of the Quran -- "Dude, you HAVE no Quran!" are, for the moment, burned into the Internet-surfing public's consciousness.

Which is why I'm happy to report there's a "Dude You Have No Quran" Autotune Remix. And it's good. Ohhh, it's good. Sometimes people get 15 minutes of fame for doing something good. That doesn't mean they shouldn't still receive the Autotune treatment. That's just how the Internet works

Photo courtesy of YouTube

SPOILER ALERT! This very cool video, 50 Book Spoilers in 4 Minutes by the Fine Brothers, will spoil the major plot-lines and endings of 50 great novels. Don't watch if you're one of those people who hates having stuff spoiled for you, i.e. EVERYONE!

Photo courtesy of YouTube

View the original article here

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